"To write a city: Amman from point zero" book launch

5 March, 2024
6:30 PM

MMAG hosted a series of workshops exploring the question, “to write the city after asking what is the city?” Mentored by Hisham al-Bustani, participants performed research and wrote journalistic texts in diverse styles and approaches. These were launched in a collection titled “To Write a City: Amman from Point Zero.”

Hisham Al-Bustani is an author who writes stories, poetry, essays, and hybrid and generative forms. He has published five books in literature: On Love and Death (Al-Farabi, 2008), The Monotone Chaos of Existence (Al-Farabi, 2010), I see the meaning (Al-Adab, 2012), Inevitable introductions to a postponed annihilation (Al-Ain, 2014), and A Long Inhale Before It’s All Over”(Al-Kutub Khan, 2018). In political thought, he published the book Functional Entities: The Limits of Political Practice in the Postcolonial Arab Region (two volumes, Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing, 2021). Hisham's stories and poetic texts were translated into several languages, and published internationally and his work has received numerous prizes.
